Regenerative Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture
Contact us on 021 523 631
Whether you are finishing, store stock or a breeding unit your business is focused on converting feeding into live weight. This process is significantly impacted by feed quality and quantity. We understand this, and will help you produce this feed, then help you convert it efficiently into live weight.
Call or email us for an on farm system analysis to identify your opportunities.
Dry stock farming businesses are critical. New Zealand's Beef and Lamb industry plays not only a vital role in New Zealand economy but in local communities supporting many New Zealand families.
In all of our agricultural enterprises nationally we must deliver high quality products but the focus needs to shift to nutrient dense products, not just yield, that were once produced 50-70 years ago. This nutrient density comes from how we manage our most valuable resource, our soil. By building our soils health, we build carbon, restore nutrient cycles and release life back into the soil. This life then feeds the plants and crops that either feed livestock or us directly. Its this critical link between the soil and the plant that gives all the nutrition to the plant that creates the nutrient density in our food.