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Like You We Are


Our Land is Our Future - It all starts with our vision for the future

Your dairy cows require high volumes of high quality nutrient dense feed on a daily basis. This is a key to achieving superior animal performance. At Our Future Land we have the knowledge, skills and experience of over 20 years in dairy farm systems and design, cow nutrition, feeding programmes,  soil fertility and management to deliver home grown pasture or crops that are high quality nutrient dense feed for your herd.


Whether you are finishing, store stock or a breeding unit you are  focused on converting feeding into liveweight. This process is significantly impacted by feed quality and quantity. 

We understand this, and will help you produce this feed, then help you convert it efficiently into live weight.


Soil is critical to your business and to our Nation. As Franklin D Roosevelt said; " A Nation that destroys its soils destroys itself "

This is why Our Future Land is dedicated to providing solutions to all farming enterprises to build healthy soils with a sustainable approach to soil management. With a focus on programmes  that build soil carbon, restore nutrient cycles and ultimately clean water. 


Our focus is to help you with on farm solutions to our changing and challenging agricultural environment. We need solutions for feed & crop nutrient density, fertiliser & soil management and animal performance, that are environmentally friendly, build food quality and are simple and financially sustainable.

We realise at Our Future Land that every farm is different, from the soil, the enterprise, contour, the climate and the way its managed. These factors all have an impact on all of the natural cycles that occur within the soil. They are also closely linked to soil and water quality, nutrient movement, profitability, sustainability and the overall health of the environment and business. We tailor programmes for your business to meet your goals and solutions to these challenges for now and the future.


Request a free consultation or just ask a few questions. Call us on 021 523 631, email us on , or fill out the form below in all applicable fields and we'll be in touch in the next couple of days.

Thanks for contacting us. We'll contact you within the next day !


© 2018 Our Future Land

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